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in OTheR news...

for those of y'all who wear fanny packs,

if back in the heyday of 1996-2001 (or so),
you were one of those scallywag, hooligans
who used to trade Over the Rhine's tunes
"Poughkeepsie" and "In the Garden" illegally
on what we in the industry like to call "the
Internet" via a file-sharing service dubbed
"Napster;" well, you better find a better
solution to your strong animal-instinct desire
to share such titles in a subscription-esque
Napster arena.

(yes, that was _one_ sentence.  an improper
one, but _one_ nonetheless.)

apparently the BMG & Napster deal fell through
(in the bad way), and Napster might be gone
for good.  Shawn Fanning resigned.  what more
can i say?




np: sevendust - animosity

*here are 2 wonderful pages that I maintain*
 VISIT - My Essential Music Favorites List:
 VISIT - Pixie Princess Jewelry Studios at:

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