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Re: life's an itch.

shadow at teuton_org writes:

>  soak your head/mouth in baking soda/water solution.

And/or an oatmeal paste; I had a truly wicked case of the chicken pox when I 
was a teenager, and those oatmeal baths were a relief.  I can't imagine it'd 
look real nice to have oatmeal in your hair, but I think it's the 
more-organic version of calamine lotion.... as far as drying out the sores 
and reducing the itch, it worked for me.

Oh, and this page: (http://earthnotes.tripod.com/ckbk_c.htm#chpox) suggests: 

    For itching, aloe gel has been used. Also, St. John's wort oil applied
    to the pustules is said to relieve pain and itching and accelerate 
    Another good herb for any Herpes virus is lemon balm and a salve made
    of this would also be very beneficial. Lip balm made with lemon balm is 
    very effective against cold sores.  

Hope that's helpful! 
Greatest sympathies!  
Hang in there... good luck with the finals!
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