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Tom Waits

> For reference see: Shortcuts, Mystery Men--are there any more?

The Fisher King comes to mind, of course.  You can see the whole list on the
imdb: http://us.imdb.com/Name?Waits,+Tom

It's funny, but on the web archive of this mailing list, Ysobelle's message
about blaming Drew is stuck as the last post for the month, so whenever I'm
leafing through, I get to this post that says "I still blame The Drew", and
I have to laugh, because it's like no matter *what* the current topic under
discussion is, she *still* blames The Drew.  ;-)

It's wednesday...
Don Smith                          Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                                http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

"Vaya con dios" - Dr. Heller
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