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Re: animation vs. the real thing

--- The Mattrix <soberman_69 at hotmail_com> wrote:
> Wait- real actors can't use body motions or facial
> expressions to convey 
> emotion?!?  I know you meant to word this
> diffrently- perhaps to insert the 
> word "eggagerated"?
> Why can't cartoon characters fidget?  Or is it the
> tension you can't get?  
> I've seen some pretty  tense animation.

I think you missed my point.  The fidgeting is just a
motion, an indicator, if there is not something deeper
within the character that motivates it.  Fer instance,
a lousy actor would indicate anxiety by tapping on a
table while someone like Glen Close could communicate
it with her eyes.

> It makes me sad that your post devalues all the
> enormous talents working in 
> the field on animation today. 

I wasn't doing that at all.  I think animators are an
immensely talented group and deserve kudos.  I'm just
saying that they cannot create what life action films

 It's like the Oscars
> all over again. :-(

Don't get me started!  (Okay Whoopi, you're black and
I'm not.  I get it already...)


What if the hokey-pokey really IS what it's all about?!?

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