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Re: escapism (was re: JIN-ROH and LotR)

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Don Smith wrote:
> For example, in _The Matrix_ (appropriately enough), there's a brief
> scene in which Mouse says "to deny our impulses is to deny that which
> makes us human".  Why is this in the film?

I've always associated it with the idea, seen in other stories of a
quasi-neo-Gnostic bent, that it is through spontaneous action that we can
break out of our prefab existences -- Philip K. Dick gets into this in
some of his writings, as do movies like _The Truman Show_ (where, if I'm
not mistaken, Jim Carrey actually shouts, "I'm being SPONTANEOUS!").

Of course, we might ask where these impulses *come* from ...

> I remember a usenet post I read years ago, in which someone was arguing
> that children should not be allowed to read books like the Narnia
> series, because they might get the idea that faith was exciting, and
> then when they grew up and found out how dull it is, they would leave
> the church.

[ LOL! ]

> How sad, on so many levels.

Well, true.  But I couldn't help laughing.  Absurdity does that to me.

--- Peter T. Chattaway --------------------------- peter at chattaway_com ---
 "I detected one misprint, but to torture you I will not tell you where."
      Winston Churchill to T.E. Lawrence, re Seven Pillars of Wisdom

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