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RE: Stella!

Title: RE: Stella!

> the teeny tiny multi-legged creatures whose sole job is to run >the internet.

I wonder if they're related to the little green guys that used to mess w/ the heat back in my high school . . .  i used to see them popping in and out of the "old-school" radiator.  They would wink at me right as I was drifting off in British Lit. class . . . 20 minutes later it was chilly!

-----Original Message-----
From: rhys daily [mailto:shadow at teuton_org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:08 AM
To: Over-the-Rhine at actwin_com
Subject: Re: Stella!

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Kylie Wilkerson wrote:

> I think I've been de-list-ified...as ya'll put it. B/c I just got the
> digest...there were quite a few replies to me that I didn't recieve. I
> went to the site and subscribed again...then recieved an email saying
> I had already subscribed. Do you think it's fixed??

deep within the net there is a teeny tiny little room. in that teeny tiny
room are teeny tiny multi-legged creatures whose sole job is to run the
internet. every so often, they allow their teeny tiny offspring a day at
work with mum and dad.  they invariably end up playing with the sectors
that are clearly labeled 'OTR List management'. their teeny tiny little
digits send out multiple programs designed to distract a mail server by
sending mass amounts of flirtatious bits. the mail server gets flustered
and drops the relay to your mail box.  sometime later, the teeny widges
are caught by mumn and dad and forced to do penence in the shape of
consoling the mailserver and fixing the message routing. so when your
stuff gets there late, mangled and out of order, blame the teeny tiny
widges (:


and now that my blinking listbox will add files and delete them... i am a
happy geek.

Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)

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