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Re: good morning...

>> i'm not liesel, but i did get one of those shirts when i was in england 
>> scotland in august.

Heehee!  I saw those shirts just after my arrival in London, and only decided 
I wanted one after the day of tube-riding and sightseeing, but the shops were 
closed, and I didn't make it back there before our train to Edinburgh the 
next morning...

Hey Liesel... if I promise to pay you for it when you return, will you get me 
a 'Mind The Gap' shirt?  : )    (No worries if you can't... just thought I'd 

>> scotland is beyond words.  

Absolutely.  Even if you forget for a minute that it's in my blood (my 
mother's mother was born there, and emigrated) I felt so drawn to it... it's 
one place to which I would relocate in a heartbeat... way ahead of, say, 
Florida or California or New York.  Of course that's a pipe dream... but now 
I'm rambling...

>> (and there's a nice borders in glasgow.)

Ha!  I've been there, too!  The Borders in Glasgow, I mean.  For those of you 
who are wondering why, if we were overseas, we couldn't find 
something/anything more interesting than a chain bookstore that we have here 
at home, let me explain: like here, it's open later than most other public 
places on a weeknight, offers a modicum of social possibilities in the coffee 
shop, and I did find a really great selection of architecture books in the 
"local" section. 

Hey Burrill.. can I visit your brother, too?  :)


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