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Re: who has the patience for this?

Thurmie 2 <microserf88 at yahoo_com> wrote:
>confession time:  patience is not my favorite OTR

Then DJ Danny T <dtemm at yahoo_com> offered:
>'tis not my favorite either... "non-descript" is
>pretty right on about it... in fact, it might be
>my less-listened to OtR CD...

Patience is my favorite of the band's.  It's perhaps
the CD I think of most often when I associate art and
music together.  If I could scratch the wretched
"Painted My Name" off it, it'd be perfect IMHO.  The
rest is so perfect.

GDBD comes close, but a lot of the times the stories
are told too slowly for my pea-sized brain to realize
it's one long thought.  Poughkeepsie has a nice moral
and all, but my brain can't parse the pieces together
unless I read it on paper - my ADD kicks in and it
seems like they're just random words floating 'round
that don't relate to one another.

And my OtR CDs in order of historical spins on the

1) pazienza
2) cane buono | cane malo
3) oltre a (b-sides)
4) la notte pił scura dell' anno
5) vigilia
6) pellicole per la radio
7) radio dilettante di onda corta

The word on the street regarding the David Armstrong
story goes like this, as written into Babelfish,
translated to Italian, then back again:

During 1999 the OtR shows to the island of Coney, David
was communicating with has dissipated and has been
specified. He has dissipated David said to that when has
been introduced for toccarlo because it is a very famous
fact that depreciation the contact.

Therefore David comes over while I am chatting via with
someone to halftime and that she says that " they are
David Armstrong " and that she gives one to me tightened
of constant hand. The other hand is on my arm and systems
that are in convincing way way on my shoulder. Unnerving.
It has dissipated it has obtained a buoa risata and it
has scared the bejeezus from me.

And here it is, in it's regular English:

During the 1999 OtR show at Coney Island, David had been
talking to Drew and I was pointed out.  Drew told David
that when he introduced himself to touch me, it's a well
known fact that I despise touching.

So David comes over while I'm chatting away with someone
at halftime, and says "I'm David Armstrong" and gives me
a firm handshake.  The other hand is on my arm and works
it's way convincingly up my shoulder.  Unnerving.  Drew
got a good laugh, and it scared the bejeezus out of me.

Like the colors on a blind man's clothes,

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