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otr // nyc

dare i pop out of the woodwork to say that seeing/working for over the rhine 
on tuesday was exactly what i needed to pull me out of this mental rut...?

well, it was.

and it was my first trip back to new york city since *july*...needless to 
say, my new yorker facade was seriously challenged, what with all the new 
subway routes.

for any of you who may have been at the show, i was the excessively cheerful 
girl with red hair and dark lipstick at the merch table, relentlessly 
hawking OtR wares.

not much to say on the show (since i didn't really *see* any of it), except 
that "bothered" caused me to run into the stage room (mercury lounge is set 
up oddly - leaving the merch table as far away from the stage as possible), 
"world can wait" with just piano KICKED my ass, and hearing "like a 
radio/ain't no sunshine" as the encore ended my night perfectly.

i was a bit sad not to hear "latter days", but i'm sure they're sick of 
playing it. ;) lots of new songs, including "ohio" and "green clouded 
swallowtail"...they played "miles", after mentioning the tribute cd (which i 
must say, at least 5 people came up to the merch table and asked if they 
could buy one!) - and linford was wearing a fuzzy sweater.

karin's new hair looks beautiful, i love it.

and of course, not knowing that my band was on their website, i didn't say 
anything about the price of tea in china. i don't think i would have said 
anything if i *did* know, though - karin and linford might think i'm 
stalking them.


okay, back to retail, i mean lurking...



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