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Re: Erp.

Wow.  The mind is a very peculiar thing!  First Jessyka mentions Kennywood 
and a part of my brain that hasn't been opened in a good, oh, thirteen years 
or so, goes "sproiiik" and lets loose this cascade of memories... (I've been 

... and then Ysoie brings up Climie Fisher's song "Love Changes (Everything)" 
and another weird little springing sound gets made up in there somewhere by a 
trap door shut even longer ago, and I start humming and words are coming back 
to me..."Love makes you fly, then breaks your wings..." or some such, yes?  
I'm amazed that I remember even this much... I can't find my car keys half 
the time, but that song is still there....

I went looking for the (rest of the) lyrics (unsuccessfully) but found this 
listing under a fan's list of 'Songs by Simon Climie written after Climie 

"Oh How The Years Go By"                        
- performed by Amy Grant 
1994  -  from the album "House Of  Love" 

(If y'all are admitting Raffi-love, I can admit I spent years as an Amy Grant 
addict without being razzed too harshly about it, yes?  :)

"all through the changes the soul never dies
we fight, we laugh, we cry...as the years go by..."

I do love that song.
How very appropo, all around, hmm?  

In a very reminiscent and contemplative mood, now... 

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