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RE: Erp.

Oh yeah, I remember Climie Fisher; well, I remember the one song.  I first
learned of Rob Fisher's death when I bought the most recent edition of "The
Billboard Book Of Top 40 Hits."

Wow, thanks for bringing up a cool 80's flashback!  :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com
[mailto:owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com]On Behalf Of Ysobelle at aol_com
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 7:20 PM
To: over-the-rhine at actwin_com
Subject: Erp.

Okay, can I be a complete goof for a minute?

G-d knows why, but lately, I've been of a mood to hear Climie Fisher.
Anyone rememebr them? They had a big hit in the 80s with "Love Changes
(Everything)." Rob Fisher had been with Naked Eyes, and Simon Climie was
a producer and songwriter in his own right. (He wrote "I Knew You Were
Waiting For Me" for George Michael and Aretha Franklin.) WAAAY back when,
I got an advance copy of their album, "Everything," on cassette. I was SO
thrilled to have an advance copy of ANYthing, and it was just icing that
it was so yummy. I even wrote the concept into a book I was writing at
the time. And I swear I probably ruined that tape listening to it so much.

So finally today I find some of their stuff on LimeWire, and I'm inspired
to see whatever happened to them, and I find a website with a "Latest
News" section, and I'm seeing Simon Climie's producing Eric Clapton, and
doing this, and doing that, and looking very busy, and I'm going back
further and further and thinking, well, what the hell's Rob Fisher up to?
And then I get to the bottom and

Aug. 25th, 1999  -  Rob Fisher RIP 8/25/99
                            Today at 17:00 GMT, Rob Fisher, the multi
talented songwriter and producer passed
                            away. He had been sick for some time and last
week was admitted to hospital for
                            an emergency operation. He never recovered.
He would have been forty years
                            old on November 5th.

                            On a personal note, Rob Fisher's work with
Naked Eyes and Climie Fisher is some of
                            my favourite music of all time. I wish I
could have met Rob to tell him what a great
                            songwriter he was and how much his music
meant to me. I am very saddened to hear
                            about his passing, I will always love his
music. My condolences go out to his family
                            and friends, especially Pete Byrne and Simon
Climie.    Kirk


So now I feel all weird and stuff cos I'm very sad for him, and 39 is
much too young to die, but there's also the thought that this happened
years ago now and is well over.

Then there's also the "Well, if you liked them so much, why didn't you
stay on top of this?" Sigh. I can find guilt in ANY situation. It really
must be genetic.

Sigh. I wonder if I can find that old cassette....

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