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Re: amelie

--- Don Smith <dasmith at rotse2_physics.lsa.umich.edu> wrote:
> It isn't.  Caro had nothing to do with Amelie.
See... I'm still a dunderhead. :^)

> I liked CoLC, but Delicatessen is *worlds* better.  Run,
> do not walk, and rent Delicatessen tonight!  Now, if only 
> *that* would come out on DVD.  Sigh.
I will look into it... given the dwindling state of all the
local videotheques' vhs collections, I might be better
served just finding a good copy on ebay or half.com to
purchase -- and probably for the price of a single rental.

> Not on DVD.  Not that I've heard, and I keep a pretty
> close eye on their collection.  (Rashomon, coming next 
> month!!!)  I'm not familiar with their old laserdisc 
> catalog, though.
I am a fanatic for the Criterion Collection. I will be in my
local videotheque on each of the release date's I've seen
listed for the film (3/19 & 3/26). If it isn't out the first
date, I'll pick up hitchcock's *Notorious* and/or *Rebecca*,
and then return for *Rashomon* the next week.

Speaking of Hitchcock, I also need to get the newly released
(non-Criterion) special edition of M. Knight Shamalayan's
*The Six Sense* with all the extra's and goodies. 

Now... Where to secure the funds for all of these purchases?

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


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