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>>>>Sure, she talks about enjoying the simple, tactile things...and that's
    certainly how they kiss that first time:  softly, simply.
>>>>It's just that now she feels that connection, that trust.  So it seems                              to make sense that she'd allow herself the freedom to explore (and enjoy) those further things.
>>>>i didn't think the film made a major point that sex wasn't that important to amelie.  she seems pretty dazzled with the idea of having _good_ sex...which would be in this case with the person she loved and
    with whom she could share everything.
>>>>my take is that she couldn't relate to sex yet...much in the same way she had a hard time relating to other people.  both changed througout the film.

exactly, exactly, exactly, and.... exactly.

thank you, you two, for making my point for me more eloquently than i seemed to be able to myself.  :)

waiting for my amelie poster to arrive... and debating whether i should give it away or keep it.... i'll probably just order another. :)


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