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Canal St, w/photos

Yes, Ken and I got to see the show after all!
It was a generosity much appreciated; and it was, as always, a delight... 
both to hear/see/experience the music and to hang out with other listees.  

Somewhere along the line in the middle of the night (between sets?) we 
remembered that we'd brought the camera.  

So we snapped a few quick pics.  Five to be exact.   
('Documentation!' Linford said.)

I flung them at a web page.... have a look: http://www.geocities.com/miscelena

The little ones, when clicked, will show ~much~ larger ones.  
(Bruce would say "holy cow!" 
(...and this time I would know WHY, even! *grin*))

I should probably tweak the sizes, but I just noticed it and 
I'm too tired right now to fool with it anymore. 

Tomorrow, p'haps.   More to say when I'm feeling more coherent, too.

(BTW: You can tell how good Megan and Don's amaretto cheesecake was, yes?  
(It WAS in that silver pan...))

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