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Re: Catch All

--- Bruce Lachey <b_lachey at hotmail_com> wrote:
> here’s one of my catch-all emails.
> [...snip...]
> brian kinney-ly,
> bruce
I see, brusay, that you have caught on to TWO of my recent
indulgences... One, an addiction to Queer As Folk (who's
fans' passion for the program rival those of fans of
Buffy/Angel, another cult tv program who's primary audience
is fairly evenly split between straight women and gay
men)... and Two, using "Brian Kinney" and an adjective or
adverb (as in, "I made eye contact with a really cute guy at
the club last night and had a real 'Brian Kinney' moment").

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


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