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Re: missing vowels

dn tmmsfld
> yeah... and before anybody jumps on that bandwagon, you could also see
> it as the "YHWH" ommissions, too. perhaps the same concept for "G-d."
> (for the record, i have no idea if that's why, but that's Ysoi's own
> personal ideology that needs to be respected.)

i think it's something ot do with not wanting to call his attention on you
personally. at least that's the way i was told it started...  which is why
you hear some older jews/ and the typical jewish someone saying things
like 'the eternal' and other such names. i like th idea of not-naiming
directly things. it's rare i use someone's given name - i was brought up
that way. but that's differnt than the jewish thing. just culture not

> np: living colour - pride

ah good. you changed your cd ( :


are you a turtle?

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