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Re: we just have a different crutch (Re: "Smoking Popes" )

<< are there any other smokers on the list (i'm not
 talking pot)?  
 we are not dopes.  we are addicted and mostly hate the
 addiction except when we love it.  i cannot explain
 the sense of satisfaction that comes from a cigarette
 after a meal. >>

I've smoked off and on for 27 years now. Quit once for 5 years and once for 
3. The thing is, both times I quit I still smoked a pipe which was no problem 
addiction wise.
I'd smoke a couple bowls now and then, to unwind after work or, most often, 
when I
needed to think. I found it relaxed my mind enough so I could slow down and 
give thoughts time enough to crystalize.   Both times I started again I got 
suckered in by stupidly smoking a cigar or two -- they're just too much like 
ciggarettes and I'd suddenly find myself bumming a smoke and the next thing 
you know...
   I like a pipe, the way it tastes lingering in the mouth, the way the smoke 
rolls and drifts around the room. The way the smell is pleasing to the 
senses. You can smoke one whenever you feel like it not when you NEED to and 
therefore truly enjoy it. And it's goes great with BEER> Besides,  it can 
last quite some time and is many times cheaper than ciggarettes.  Ciggarettes 
I do not like. They smell terrible to everyone, even yourself when you're 
away from them for a time. They're so addictive that you NEED  many a day and 
when you don't have one when you want one your mind goes into that 'junkie in 
need of a fix' mode where you can't think of anything else until you get one 
then when you do in a few minutes it's gone and a little later, wham, it's 
time for another. I wake up in the morning with my mouth tasting like two 
week old gym socks, sometimes with my lungs feeling like they've got a 
tournequet wrapped around them, ashes everywhere, the UV smelling rank every 
time I get in it... But the main thing I do not like about them is the way 
they quickly become my master whom I have to run to every time she calls. One 
thing I will not do is buy anything put out by Philip Morris Inc. Hopefully 
quitting again soon.

From one smoker to another who has managed to quit them for a long stretch a 
couple times, if you ever try to quit I have two words for ya: Cold Turkey

to your health,
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