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road trips (Re: More bad news.)

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, ms. tarquini wrote:

> --- rhys daily <shadow at teuton_org> wrote:
> > it's been a long road trip. i wish it didn't have to
> > stop.
> where'd you road trip to?
> liesel

the short version goes like this:

i flew out of fortwayne. after being strip searched.
went to chicago, had to show multiple id's to machine gun armed guards to
walk on the plane.

landed in richmond,va.
had family stuff. and heard about why i should break up. (not happening).
dec 26. dave shows up.

28th we leave for boston. stopping in NYC to see ground zero.

i was unhappy the whole time we were there. i couldn't explain it - it
just made me so *edgy*.

boston - we saw the uss constitution and the cassin young and explored.

sun 29th - go to new hampshire.
mon - go ice climbing. not like rock climbing, you just flail at the ice
until you get something. (:  got nailed in the face by an icicle.

i forgot how much i love the mountains.... and the feeling of friendly

on wed we went to ski in northern new hampshire. feeling confident after
my third time down the cute lil bunny hill, i devcided to ride the
tram-thing up the mountain 1500 feet. we lifted out of the valley, and saw
mountains looking around us - i started skiing down - way too faast!, i
ended up snowplowing the whole way... owie!

after that, i decided the shorter hills i should still stick to - it was
only my second time skiing.

dave snowboarded all over the place.

we decided to drive up to acadia (in maine), and so we took off early in
the morning. we gotthere after 6 hours, and just enough daylight to
explore. except the park was closed.so we parked and climbed around on the
cliffs anyway. (: wow - what a place!

then we just hung out and ate seafood, and then headed back to our

saturday we left for buffalo, NY - and then yesterday to Niagra and
through canada back to indiana - .

i am sick of mustard. sick sick sick of mustard. we ate in the car to save
money... worked out pretty well.

no fast food the whole trip (: and we read through half of the FOTR

i really do love travelling.


chomp while $carrots >= 1;

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