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Re: I'm a prude!

--- "Peter T. Chattaway" <petert at interchange_ubc.ca>
> On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, Kelvin Bailey wrote:
> > I'm going to see 'In the Bedroom' this afternoon. 
> > I'll let you know.
> Saw it last night.  Really liked it, up until the
> last half-hour or so.

Y'know, I know exactly what you mean.  I thought it
was actually brilliant.  But in the last half hour it
turned into something that almost compromised the
perfection of the first hour and a half.

It reminded me a little of 'Ordinary People' which
just happens to be my alltime favorite.

The main body of both films deal not so much with what
has happened, or what will happen, as much as it does
with the psyche and inner psychological/mental
workings of those dealing with the stuff.
They both did this in huge part by quietly and
patiently dwelling on things that might, to a casual
watcher, seem insignificant:  The Jarrett family
sitting at the dinner table with Conrad nervously
fidgeting; Beth just sort of staring into space;
Matthew chuckling at the liscense plate on a driver's
ed car; Matthew rattling the change in his
pocket...that sort of thing.

All this talk about Sissy Spacek...she was very good. 
But I thought she wasn't nearly as good as Tom
Wilkinson.  (I must exorcise that image of him in a

All in all - very good movie.  IMO.


What if the hokey-pokey really IS what it's all about?!?

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