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Re: over the rhine in the car?! what a novel idea!

In a message dated 12/26/01 5:49:46 PM Central Standard Time, 
JLuvzMusyk at aol_com writes:

<<   i'm now five chapters into _the 
 hobbit_, and i saw _lord of the rings_ for the third time last night with my 
 friend victor.  *shrug*  i guess i'm obsessed, but there could be worse 
 things about which to be obsessed. >>

there's a quote I like though I have no idea who said it: "some call it 
obsession, I call it commitment!"

 the best thing, to me, about the movie is that many people like yourself are 
getting turned onto these wonderful books.  I've been a fan since the 
mid-seventies when you used to see school folders with "Frodo Lives" 
scribbled on them in the halls.  They pretty much single handedly made me a 
life long fan of fantastic fiction. 
   I've seen the movie twice now and my only major complaints were already 
voiced here: "what, no Tom Bombadil?!?!"  I can't think of any reason to skip 
this entire section of the book -- the forest, the willow, old Tom, the 
barrow-downs ... and Lothlorien and Galadrial, while well done, were just too 
dark.  Where was all the color and wonder in Lothlorien and Galadriel was 
downright angelic in the book.  Surely not a figure of foreboding except 
perhaps when she was offered the ring or to Gimli before he met her and 
became devoted to her.

  A couple short stories by Tolkien that are fun are *Farmer Giles of Ham* 
and *Smith of Wooton Major* and I'd very highly recommend reading his amazing 
essay *On Fairy Stories*.  You can find it in *the Tolkien Companion* along 
with *Farmer Giles* and the nifty story *Leaf By Niggle* among other things.


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