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Re: LOTR (possible spoilers)

On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 06:14, Tobi wrote:
> huh? Did we read the same book? I saw the movie, too, yesterday and I was


> quite disappointed. The whole first book was completely changed and not for

completely changed?  i think that's a bit of an overstatement.  you have
to realize that there's just no possible way to put everything that's
into the book into the movie and still keep it under 10 hours long. 
besides, it's a *movie*.  you can't just follow the script as it would
appear in the book because it's an entirely different medium.  you
*have* to change some things.

> the better. Merry and Pippin didn't come with Frodo out of friendship but
> their way happened to cross that of Frodo and so they thought "oh, why not

i don't see why this is important to the story as a whole.  we see by
the end that they've obviously become close with Frodo, at least as much
as to sacrifice themselves to save him.  and remember, we've got two
movies to go.  things have yet to be developed.

> come with them", the black rider is just some feet away from the hobbits but
> rides on. And not because there are elves coming, no there are no elves at

again, i don't see how this ditracts from the overall story.

> all until Rivendell. The whole Old Forest and Tom Bombadil and the
> Barrow-Downs were missing,

admittedly this is a sad omission, but i really don't see how they could
have included this and still kept the story under 3 hours without
rushing other parts.  personally,  i'm glad they made the hard choice to
cut out tom entirely in order to spend more time on the rest of the

> at all. Saruman is portrayed totally wrong as in the book he believes he can
> betray Sauron in the end. You can see the stone trolls in the background at

we don't know that he doesn't feel this way in the movie as well.  all
we see is what he tells gandalf - he could be just keeping up
appearances for now.  but you're right, that probably could have been
done better or clearer.

but overall, i don't see how the movie could have been done much
better.  to improve some parts, you'd have to change/hack out others.

and since this is the OTR list, has anyone heard the soundtrack?  i've
heard good things...

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