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marriage/divorce (no otr)

hello everyone.  i think all is calm and bright like
holly said.  jessyka, does your boyfriend agree??? :)

samantha responded to kelvin with:

>I am not saying that it wouldn't have been nice to
>have a father.

hey, i lend mine out frequently :)  he still picks on
my high school best friend the way he does me since
her dad was pretty lousy--all the way in new york too.

>  I'm saying that the most ideal 
>situation for a given person has very little to do
>with a nice nuclear family, because, for a lot of
>people it isn't going to happen.

i don't think that something being ideal is contingent
upon the situation of a lot of people.  is there not a
medically healthy weight etc. for the varrying bone
structures and heights of people--even if most of
America is over it?  isn't there a healthy standard of
clean lungs--even if most of the _world_ smokes like a
chimney (except in America) and violates it?  and then
we add in "'specially if you're dealing with bible

it would teach us that we are most definitely _not_
the reliable standard in our falleness.  i'm not
positing these comments as if everyone believes the
various parts of them, but for those of you who come
packaged with the plausibility structure that does
include biblical stuff, it might be an interesting

>of what the Bible says about marriage, and I think
>that's what most people aim for.

i don't think they do :)  our american dream and
society is quite individualistic.  it's all about me. 
if it doesn't work out, there's always a back door. 
prenuptual agreements, hurrah!

>   The fact is that the odds say that 1/2 of
>marriages fail, and its probably a good thing that
>some of them do.   That's >all.  

i think that it's right for some to break up in
circumstances of abuse etc., but another possibility
is to say that those marriages never should have
happened to begin with (but then: we wouldn't have
samantha or drew--not a good solution) or even that
it's sad that it ever came into all the abuse/break-up
problems it did.

then there are all the times when people just wouldn't
stand by their commitment to stick it out.  we're all
jerks at some point.  i hope no one gives up on me

the scary thing is 60% of marriages in the "church"
fail.  that's more than half.  what does _that_ say? 
all i know is that it humbles me.

scraping her knees,
j. marie

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