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Where was I? (No OTR)

the sweet and bold jessyka said:

> matt, in my eyes, was very disturbing when he wrote:
> << So come on somebody, suggest that two mothers
would be that most 
> parental scenario, following that line of logic. >>

a very practical rhys :) wrote:

>two women work.

>what about mom and grama?  aunt and gramma? sister
>and mom? it works.
>same as grandad and dad. uncle and mom, cousin joe
>and aunt sylvia.

i think the point underlying is a question about it
being ideal.  sure, we do what we have to do when
death or other estrangements enter our families and
strip parts away.  those who tend to take a more
traditional view are probably tying it to the "best"
way (aka the created order as understood by many
traditional people).  even if two women could work and
raise a child, one has to ask and eventually answer
whether or not that's the best thing for the child or
for themselves.  i'm traditional in this area of
views, but i'm certainly not claiming to walk in shoes
that aren't mine or to fully understand the pain of
those who desperately want to create family outside of
traditional societal norms.

i really like you people.  i haven't been reading
lately, but i read this digest.  it's so good to see
and be part of meaningful sharing.

j. marie

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