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RE: a live response (from the girl who started it all)

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Liesolita wrote:

> tiny?  oh honey i wish, i wish.  actually i've only dated a couple of
> guys over 6 foot.  though i am freudianly attracted to them, things
> just work better with someone only 5 or so inches taller (i'm
> 5'5")...interpret as you wish :)

 you *are* short.

i am blessed with three sisters. all teeny tiny beautiful things. along
with my muma.

all 5'5 and under.

me? a whopping 5'10 or something.

long legs and awkwardness included.

> not true just ask bink's beth...

ah true. i'd forgotten that. iw as mostly just kidding.


chomp while $carrots >= 1;

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