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Re: grammar gestapo (piercing police)

rhys told us:

> i grew up with grey, colour, realise, and a slurry of variously spelled
>  words which got me in no end of trouble by the authorities of educative
>  institutions.

so *that's* why i *knew* i was spelling "grey" write, even though spell check 
goes psycho.

good to know...i thought i was crazy.  well, i am, actually, but at least not 
about that.

i finished my paper which was, as both matt (hi matt) and my friend stephen 
pointed out, boring as all hell.  i did come up with some literary gems, 
however, and it is 6 pages in arial 10, my favorite font *ever*.  i liked 
portions of it.  and i like the song i wrote about.  that is what matters in 
the long run, yes?

i will stop rambling for now, although i think i shall probably be back in 
due time.

*hugz and kisses*
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