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Re: Mixed nuts

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 Hazel410 at aol_com wrote:

> Linford wrote:
> >>We've had a couple of setbacks with Karin's mother this week,
> Eech.  Sorry to hear that!  I suppose I had assumed that no news was
> good news; I'm sorry that isn't the case.  You'll (all) be in my
> thoughts and prayers.

yea, me too.

> >>a Best Of The Lostees
> >>book, or something to that effect. A discussion list greatest hits type
> >>thing. I bet it would be fascinating, funny, weird.
> Oh, no doubt!  I liked Kelvin's suggestion about making a web page out
> of it, too, seeing as publishing in print requires so much time
> (*grin*)  and a web page can be updated and altered at a whim.

and a web page can be automated (: with scripts that browse the archives,
etc. and they can be searchable. sounds like fun to make.

> Don't get me wrong: some things belong committed to paper in ink...
> but this group needs links... and maybe some Flash animation, too.

o no.! not flash. what would you flash? if it has anything to do with
flash, i won't make it.

if someone did the cathering, i could (maybe) do code.

> In addition to Kelvin's ideas, I'd love to see a page of exerpted
> haiku...

yes !haikus (: that was some ofthe most fun i'd had creatively.

> Bass Ale over vanilla ice cream, anyone?  (or does that push the
> limit?

i asked my bf about this the other day (: trying to tell him how ice cream
has changed my life!

ok, even thogh it's so COLD,  and sweet, it tastes so *good* (: and so
what did he think of ice cream with alittle beer on top of it?

or wine (cos then you could light it on fire (:

that's my grown up dream - to eat somewhere where they server me something
that's on fire (:

> I couldn't begin to say what Linford is... but I'm a non-pedigree
> myself:  mostly friendly-orange-tabby with a bit of wild-abyssinian,
> and just a splash of ornery siamese for good measure.  ;)

curious thoughts - what kind of cat is whom?

i'ma rhys, does that count?
> Kelvin wrote:
> >>Problem #2 - Some people are so against what I share
> >>with them that they accuse me of being
> >>pushy/patronizing/condemning...whatever, when in fact
> >>they are just overly sensitive/defensive.

very true. it's such a tentative line about what and with whom you can
speak, i guess that's why friends are so cool.

> I agree with the Problem #!, Problem #2 summary. I had a friend once
> try to win an argument by taking the position that it's perception
> that matters... if person A --perceives-- person B's comment to be
> offensive, B is wrong to have made it.

not necessarily. there's responsibility on both ends. the communicator and
the communicated.

> That's enough for now.  :)
> A.

it's har to type in between sneexes. it's cold.

i'm off to give blood - my three year wait is up, i'm legal to give. i'm


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