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re: More answers than questions -another question for linford

>>>>linford wrote.....Sorry, I think there were some other questions, but I
realize I deleted a few
of the digests. As far as Amish shunning, I do think that it is still
practiced, but it was never directed at my family. I've never been
sure why.>>>>>

i can actually answer this question!  yes, the amish do indeed still
practice shunning.  i had a very good friend who was raised amish.  he left
the church to marry a non-amish, and joined our mennonite church.  this was
not viewed too favorably, and he was shunned.  they did eventually allow
him to spend holidays with them, but he couldn't eat at the table with
them.  unfortunately, he was killed by a drunk driver, and never had a
chance to make peace with his father.  it's a practice i'll never

linford, i don't know if you're still answering questions...as that mind of
yours must be constantly busy roaming secret passageways and mysterious
chambers of a hidden place very few are so blessed to discover and visit.
i could never keep count of how many times your words have touched places
in my spirit that i thought had iced over.  i am constantly amazed at the
grace and truth that seem to pour from your soul through your pen.  you
inspire me at times when i feel completely dead.  although i'm envious of
your talent, i'm grateful that i've somehow been allowed to glimpse such
amazing creativity.  ok....all of that is to ask this question:

you seem so amazingly prolific....but do you at least occasionally struggle
to create?  are there any dry periods? i've never read words that strike a
chord in me as yours.  i am an artist that got sucked into the fashion
industry, and have felt my creativity fade into the shadows, and am
desperately trying to find it again.  this has been going on for years, and
i'm at a loss.  i'm nearly ready to give up the struggle....and then i read
your new poem of the week...and i realize that somewhere under the dust
there is still a little hope. how do you do it? and how do you keep doing

in awe,

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