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Re: Available organic

--- Arthur Dent <kenlovesbrenda at msn_com> wrote:
> ok, i still want someone to answer my questions
> about soy milk (and maybe rice milk too)
> did i just get a cheap brand, or does all soy milk
> taste (forgive me for bastardizing this) like it's
> dirty.  and what are some yummy (to a meat lover who
> wants to be healthier) things that i can pick up
> from my neighbourhood (here in dallas they're
> everywhere) Whole Foods?  

Silk seems to be the best soy.  i even know a 2 year
old who'll drink it the original flavor, while i am
still needing chocolate.  So chocolate Silk Soy milk,
is my recommendation, it's rather tasty.

Tofu Dogs are the best hotdogs I've ever had, hands
down, so help me god.  Better than your standard beef,
pork, chicken or turkey varieties.  But this is about
as far as I go with regards to non-meat meat.  

My two .02 recommendations...


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p. yorn

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