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RE: OTR-the neighborhood

Title: Message
I live in Cincinnati and wouldn't go to Over The Rhine these days if it can possibly be avoided. MAIN STREET is _probably_ okay. However, where you'd have to PARK to get to Main Street most likely is NOT okay. You should not be surprised if your vehicle or (worse) yourselves are ...messed with... when you're down there.
Besides, you can get a> better coffee b> cheaper in a c> nicer surrounding just by going up to Hyde Park. No need to risk it going to Kaldi's.
Walter -- are you planning to attend the Brunch on Saturday, December 8? Check out the page with info: http://www.drewvogel.com/brunch.php. I hope to see you there.

Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs, University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy
http://pharmacy.uc.edu                                                        (513)-558-3784

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Seitz [mailto:wkseitz at hotmail_com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 3:15 PM
To: Over-the-Rhine at actwin_com
Subject: OTR-the neighborhood

I have a question: I was combing the internet for info when I stumbled across articles about Over the Rhine being riddled with violence since the riots. It's been a while since I have been to Cincy. The articles state that even residents are afraid to leave the house. I'm coming down with my wife for the show (yeah!), but I want to go to Kaldi's before the show. Is it really that bad there on Main? Geez, here I am am asking about how bad it is in OTR and I'm from Detroit. Too funny. Anyways, thanks all. Sorry if you got this more than once.

PS-Hey Bruce! Long time no see. Hope to see you at Taft.


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