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Re: buy nothing day

Arthur Dent wrote:

> wow . . .  it's great to find someone else who is in to Adbusters.  i 
> used to have a bunch of their posters up around the youth room i used to 
> work at . . . and we made a big thing out of teevee turnoff week, too.

Yeah... I actually just learned about them this year. I read Kalle 
Lasn's book ("Culture Jam") and despite it's being targeted to an 
audience with a reading level much lower than mine, I rather liked it. I 
could only read the book for about fifteen minutes at a  stretch before 
I would get filled with nervous and/or creative energy. It actually 
inspired me to give up t.v. altogether.

So: Arthur Dent, huh? Not Ford Prefect or Dirk Gently or some other Doug 
Adams hero? Why Arthur?



November 23, 2001 is International Buy Nothing Day.
On the busiest shopping day of the year, the day after American 
Thanksgiving, people from over 30 countries take a break from the frenzy 
and cast their vote against the golden calf: consumerism and the global 
economy. (http://www.adbusters.org.)


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