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Re: Buffy (Dawson'sCreek...etc.whatever)


> Yup!  I dug Faith.  ?  Did she die?  Last I remember
> she was in a coma, then out, then what?  Either I
> missed her final departure, or I just don't remember.

faith is in jail.

> And yes, no more cross-overs.  When Buffy moved to UPN
> it was announced by the networks that the two wouldn't
> be meeting again.  I hate network rivalry.

oh, yeah.  that makes sense.   db is in control of the teevee
channel-operating-controls  (i don't know how to run the devices)  so i
don't really  ~think about~ them being on other networks.   i just sit in
front of the cathode ray tube and db does all the hard work.  i merely
absorb.    but yeah, now that i remember they are on different channels,  it
makes sense there'd be no more cross-overs.     sensible in a "that's
silly"  way.

( i know how to run the hafler remote.   i'm not a total idiot).

 They have
> to ruin it for everybody! That's why they were all
> weird with Angel learning about her death. And then...
> when she returned how she ran out the very next day of
> her resurrection to tell him she was back.  The last
> time they appeared together was when her mom died.  He
> met her at the grave.  'member? :-)

that was sad when her mom died.   weep.

 My god I know way
> to much!


> Have to go.  I'm trying to cope with my just watching
> Dawson's Creek.  Tell me something.


  Why do we subject
> ourselves to these shows.

i  ~don't~  subject myself to dawson's creek.    maybe you missed my list of
jgeeteevee the other week.    dawson's wasn't on it.

but,   i ~do~  subject myself to the usually dreadful beagle in space show,
so i know what you mean.   why?   well,  there's tradition and pedigree,
but i'm not sure how to apply that to dawson's.   there's  hope.   hope that
an episode might transcend insipidy  (i liesel'd a word)  as some shows have
done  (twin peaks,   the occasional ally,  um,  northern exposure,  BtVS)
and many shows do from time to sporadic time.   i once heard that felicity
ran a good episode.   i'll bet that dawson's has had a great epi or three in
its years.  abfab.   hahaha, i forgot, i love abfab.

Why do I sometimes find
> myself sighing "Awwwww!" then crying!!??  And why the
> H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS does next weeks previews show
> Dawson kissing Jen??????!!!!!!  Does it sound like I'm
> taking these things way to personally?  Sorry.
> Really, I'm not crazy. :o)

i can't speak to those points.    although, on the crazy bit,  i'll take you
on your word.

> I must go read myself to sleep now...
> ~~ Jessica

current reads:   __the bus driver who wanted to be God__     and    __kafka
but i can't read myself to sleep because i have little retention of those
pages when i'm almost nodded off, and  it annoys me to have to reread them.
you sort of remember them,  you sort of don't.  seems like a waste of time.

well,  goodnight,  dear reader.

hours later,  and still not pierced.

ps   just overheard from the other room  "why do i watch this shit every
week?   every week i say "can it get any worse?"    hahhahahahha,  how
appropriate.  i think she's watching that show with the dwarf and the cute
woman.    evidently she's not too happy with it.

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