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Re: piercings and places of business...

You know what's even worse, Kelvin?  Some of these people read _Harry
Potter_, play role-playing games, drink microbrews, clap their hands at
church, enjoy abstract art, listen to Hendrix, and play poker.  Why, some
even watch _Buffy_.  

What's up with that?

-Drew J

Seriously, I sometimes think that while the majority of Christians are far
too uptight about certain aspects of American culture, I think that small
percentage that finds no problem with the things that I just mentioned are
a bit smug about it.  Myself included.   I can do the cultural Christian
mock with the best of them (in fact, I may be a regional champion), but
I've recently wondered where the love shines through in those

And my apologies for those who find that sort of discussion boring...feel
free to send me to my room without supper.

O ^ ^     Drew Johnson - djohnson at snowplow_org - Ld Robert Bartholomew     )
O(_|_) Tengo gusto de comer creyones. -Elian Gonzales, 4/27/00, goats.com  X
O Check out splat.melm.org (monkey at melm_org) & goats.com (drew at goats_com)  |

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