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RE: flirt...flirted...shall have been flirting

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, Michael Cade wrote:

> It also depends a lot on the company itself.  We have a "relaxed"
> dress code, their term is business casual, but a lot of stuff is
> pretty straight laced around here.  We have approx 5000 systems
> employees (mostly analysts)

this is true. (: i am rather... different. i wear one earring, one
nosering and no shoes. i can't sit straight in front of the computer with
feet nicely on the floor. but it works. (:

> (assembler programming) I think I'm on of the few employees that don't
> use walkers.  Most of the senior analysts just walk away and shake
> their heads when they see the 8 x 10 picture of Michael Knott at my
> desk where he is covered with baked beans and Neapolitan ice cream.
> I have no piercings, a little ink, and spend about 10 minutes a day
> with my headphones off.  I am the radical in group.

this is an image to keep - programmers with walkers! (: geesh, how can you
mnanage to get anythign done?

where do you work?

go away, or i will replace you with a very small shell script.

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