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RE: The Brunch!

For those that are traveling a long distance (Norwood does NOT count as a
long distance!), you can stop at the Kroger's store (our grocery store) that
is ~3 minutes from my house (you'll pass it on your way) and pick up some
drinks and stuff... That'd be GREAT.

Directions are coming in a few days...

Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs, University of Cincinnati
College of Pharmacy

-----Original Message-----
From: Kelvin Bailey [mailto:prestokelvo at yahoo_com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 6:26 PM
To: Ysobelle at aol_com; over-the-rhine at actwin_com
Subject: Re: The Brunch!

--- Ysobelle at aol_com wrote:
> Who else can bring what? And Drew, what else will
> you need?

I can bring something!  Whatever's needed.  Due to my
schedule (and lack of culinary skills) it would
probably be good if I could bring something
storebought.  Y'know, oranje juice, milk, Pop-Tarts,
that sort of thing.

Lemme know!


...like a mad dog on the far side of Dante's door.

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