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Re: Making people cry since 1972

All right, gang!  As requested by the effervescent Ysoie, here's HER version
of said events:

"Oh, mna-- well, it was after a show, maybe teo years ago, and we'd all 
trekked out to Ohio. Big group of us. Drew, Bru-say, Kyle, Me, Jessyka, 
Toast, Jan & Fran-- lots of us. More than I remember right now. Anyway, 
we were all sitting outside in this patio garden type thingie-- wrought 
iron furniture, wall torches, overgwowing ivy-- fairly relaxing. But 
Jessyka was very very tired. We all were, but she especially. She leaned 
over to show Toast her tattoo-- the kanji for "love" on the nape of her 
neck, which is why said nape has been dubbed her "love spot"-- and 
suddenly, and for no apparent reason,Jessyka bursts into tears. Pause. 
Blink. What? No, no reason. Just tears all over the place. Poor Toast is 
horrified, the whole Lostee group is confused, I'm hugging the poor girl 
saying, "It's okay, she's just tired! Honest!" 


Looking back now, it's hysterical in a Seinfeld sort of way. And we've 
never "forgiven" Toast for it. He hates me now. Well, not really. I hope."

Brought to you live by StormWing Designs (my jewelry biz) and any other
lostees up for a shameless plug...

We hope you have enjoyed tonight's presentation.

And why does EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE come up with the same tired
nickname for me?  

Been called JeffO all my life....


That answer your question, love?
-------Original Message-------
From: Jeff Wisniewski
Date: Saturday, November 03, 2001 4:10:38 PM
To: Over-the-Rhine at actwin_com; ysobelle at aol_com
Subject: Making people cry since 1972
> From: Ysobelle at aol_com
> Subject: Re: Re: Schuba's and Swag and Videos...Oh my!
> Jeff-O, if, with Jessyka's permission, you want to fwd my description of
> said incident to the list, it might be informative for those
> lucky/unlucky souls who missed it.
Could you forward it to me? It was a few years ago, and I have nuked
my email several times. I'm not sure I know which description you're
talking about.
My recollection was that it was near the end of a very long and very
tiring day. I said something before completely thinking it through,
and have spent the time since apologizing and feeling terrible about
it whenever it comes up.
Which, thanks to ysoie, it does every single time I poke my head
above the water here :-)
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