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Jesus & Mary Chain/Hope Sandoval

Very Good Boys and Girls!!

I posed the question originally--Can anyone name the single that Hope sang on 
with the J&MC.  I posted it with a question to someone about Hope Sandoval's 
new album with the Warm Inventions, "Bavarian Bread" (forgive me, now, I 
can't remember  who, but she works in a record store). 

Amanda, quite dandy, I must say, that you remember the lyrical content.  I 
was just browsing through my CD collection the other day to start cataloging 
stuff into a database for my records (Heaven forbid a catastrophe 
occurred--good to have backup of my 1,000 or so CDs) and I ran across the CD 
single of "Sometimes, Always".  Quite a beautiful little pop diddy, in'it?
L8r, -Greg
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