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RE: teletery

I've never really thought of TV as "evil," but it ain't exactly uplifting either.  It has been a good source of entertainment for a long time, though.  There aren't many shows that I have to watch, but I'm fanatical about the ones I do.  I love "Boston Public," and I can't wait for "24."  That looks incredible, and the whole spy thing has always been kinda interesting to me.  I was a HUGE "Seinfeld" fan, at least for the first six seasons, which were superior; I still regularly watch the reruns almost every night.  Speaking of "SportsCenter," I still watch it the way some people watch news.  I try to catch it every morning, and if I'm home for several hours, if I'm not careful I'll find myself watching it a second (or third) time.  When I was in college, I'd skip classes and watch the "SportsCenter" loop for hours!


np--Bebo Norman, "Cover Me" (over and over--I'm singing it tonight at church)

Barry.Lawlor at ssa_gov writes:

Oh MY gosh, let me say this again OH MY GOSH!  Where would I be w/o
Television?  Growing up with Sesame Street/Electric Company/Zoom???
Continuing through "Magnum PI" and head held in shame "Saved by the Bell" to
"The Practice" and "Boston Public" and "ER".  I believe in real life
friendships also, but, only if they are watching tv with me. ;)  And I am
not even talking about my morning SportsCenter fixes (this is my caffeine)
to get me going.  "Scrubs" is a HILARIOUS new show.  I believe that there is
a time in your week where you need to have a "total mind drain".  Just to
sit back and watch Ross say "PIVOT, PIVOT, PIVOT!" (come on people brain
candy is good)....and don't even get me into "The Simpson's" (a wonderful
satire on our culture).  Okay...I am stepping off my soapbox now and getting
my VCR+ ready for tonight. lol
