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Re: Re The BORG view of sexuality

Liesel tarquini wrote:
> --- bigLight <biglight at pacbell_net> wrote:
> > Not really. Remember that babies have a fluids-only
> > diet for the first
> > year or so of thier lives. The machines probably had
> > figured out
> > *exactly* what nutrients were needed to sustain  the
> > human "batteries"
> > for the longest amount of time.
> fair enough -- what i want to know though is how after
> 20-some years of soaking sans movement he got flushed
> down and not only was able to blink his eyes but also
> to start kung fu fighting???  i'm thinking the
> machines also provided just enough electrical current
> going in the goop to prevent total muscle atrophy...:)

silly girl - he never actually kung-fu fought with his body - only in
his mind, or in "the matrix".  plus, they had that whole scene with all
the pokers and stuff in him where Morhpeus said they were rebuilding his
atrophied muslces.

also, on the Borg front - i'm a long way from a Trekkie expert, but i
believe borg "children" were supposed to be put into maturation chambers
until they were fully grown.  not sure how they were birthed, but i'm
guessing some sort of genetic manipulation artificial thingy.  any "baby
borgs" running around were likely just those who had been assimilated
whilst they were young (ie, recently).

back to work...

troy, who now has his new _aaron sprinkle_ as well as the new _juliana
theory_, and is so happy he doesn't mind that he forgot to bring _eve_
and _GDBD_ to put on his work computer along with the rest of 'em.
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