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Re: Re The Puritan view of sexuality

Good morning,

> Shakers.   This sect didn't believe in sex at all.  Their "fold" was
> supposed to be made of 100% new blood since they didn't believe in
> procreating.  It just never appealed to the masses and they all finally died.

I believe there are about five or six of them left, unless they've died in the
last few years.  The Shakers used to do a lot of work with orphans, and many of
those kids used to stay with the collectives, until the 20th century came along
and the lure of modern living was too much for them.  But the Shakers lasted
for some two hundred years, and that's no small feat.  Especially for a
celibate group.  ;-)

See ya,
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/
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