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Re: Truly guilty pleasures (was Re: FW: Newbie with a question...)

Never apologize for liking the Marshmallow man.  He
may not be some people's cup of tea, but he's a great
He was one of the first pop musicians to make my Dad's
list of approved "rock and rollers" in our house.  

I like him!


--- CLQ007 at aol_com wrote:
> Kelvin and Liesel, I think I may have both of you
> beat, and I can't believe 
> I'm admitting this, but for about 15 years now I've
> been a fan of the one and 
> only--drum roll, please--Barry Manilow.  When I was
> 15 my dad bought my mom 
> tickets to his concert at Chastain Park here in
> Atlanta for her birthday, but 
> he wouldn't take her so she made me go.  Barry
> actually put on a good show.

Willy Wonka: "You know what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?"
Charly: "No. What?"
Willy Wonka: "He lived happily ever after."

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