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Re: Re: Suggestion.

On 10/10/01 1:29 PM, quoth the effervescent biglight at pacbell_net at 
biglight at pacbell_net:

>Okay-- so I propose we vote-- if enough of us want to sign up to 
>Ysobelle's list, (I don't know what *enough* is) and use that list for 
>non-OTR content, then we shall. It won't work unless enough of us do it 
>So: I'm in. That's 1 in favor.

Oh, I didn't mean it to be a voting thing. I just mean that it's a forum, 
it's there, we can use it. Come one, come all. Like I said, it's quiet 
there now, but with more people, it'll pick up.

Also, you posted your original email to the announce-list-- I should have 
been more careful with my headers. I thought my email client was screwing 
up. My bad!

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