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RE: war

Sidenote: Sorry to the list for the random codes in my last post.  Yikes!

Michael said:
<< Yeah but I bet you never lived in "those areas".  How can you tell what those areas are?  What is your basis for calling an area one of "those areas"?  Let's see, because we read in the paper about those areas?  Go to a city you are unfamiliar with.  Tell me how you will make a determination if you get lost and go down a side street somewhere, if it one of "those areas". >>

I am not sure of the point you're trying to make here.  Avoiding an area of town that is known for crime and violence is not being racist nor is it profiling (if you believe there is a difference).  Would it be racism for me to avoid a known KKK-infested area of town because I am a lesbian?  No.  What if I avoided all white people, though?  That would be racism.  What if I assumed that they were all KKK members because a few radical Christians go to extremes and wear white sheets?  That would be profiling.

I am sorry you had a tough time as a minority growing up.  Welcome to the club.  Have I lived in what many consider a "bad" area?  Yes.  Ask Toast.  Ask Dug. They've been to my house.  How do I determine what is a bad area of town?  When I feel unsafe.  That could be anywhere.  But you shouldn't automatically feel unsafe just because you're in an area where the people don't look like you.

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