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You've got to be kidding!

I was going to let this go but I can't

>This will be a quick resolution. Those rag heads don't have the money to
>fight us. And yes we must route them out or there will be more sky
>scrapers falling to the ground.

Do you realize how offensive the term "rag heads" is?  We should be above
using derogatory language when we refer to other people.  By the way we
can route them with military might and they can still carry out covert
terrorist actions.  Terrorists exist in every country and they seem to be
quite angry at this moment.  That said I still think some kind of limited
military strike is warrented.  Bomb the terrorist camps and their military

>        There's nothing cool about ragging on Bush, he's an excellent
>man. We have people in our own country who go about their business posing
>as average citezens all the while they are tranfering info to the
>terrorist community.

I also feel President Bush is doing a fine job.  He's shown some
restraint, and is looking for ways to provide aid to those who are fleeing
Afghanistan.  He also has many very capapble people on his staff to rely
in.  Part of good leadership is putting good people in positions of
influence and giving them the room to work.

That said I do get worried about some of their decisions when they start
talking about expanding police powers and limiting freedom.  Checks and
balances always need to exist.

>        And for awhile racial profiling is ok. Based on religion and
>color, whatever, it's all we have to go on. The real terrorists are
>sneaky, so some innocent people will have to be inconvenienced. Not a big price to pay for the greater good. Muslim Americans
>should feel greatful that we have the ability to investigate them, yet

RACIAL PROFILING IS NEVER OK.  When the only basis for checking or
stopping someone is their race we lose the thing that makes this country
great - freedom.  I find it amusing that most people who find racial
profiling to be OK tend to be white, middle class Americans.  Their OK
with it because they are not the ones stopped based on race.  If all white
men were stopped after Tim McVeigh carried out his act you would probably
be up in arms.

Bill Keith

Bill Keith, WSDP Radio, Plymouth-Canton Schools
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