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Re: sons & OTR

on 9/26/01 3:58 AM, Over-The-Rhine Digest at Owner-Over-The-Rhine at actwin_com

> Whatever because that's what my son and I call
> our "night-night song".  We just sing the part
> starting "We don't need a lot of money"... up to "You
> can close your eyes tonight, cause we're gonna be
> alright."  It's something special that we can share
> that's not the typical "Rock-a-bye" song.  When he
> gets older and hears it he will always think of those
> moments of us.  Also, I think it's pretty impressive
> that a three year old has memorized a section of an
> OTR song. ;-)

Sounds familiar :) at our house, it's Latter Days --I used to sing it to my
son to help him nap and this was soon after GDBD came out. And I've used
that cd other times to help him relax, since it has those nice slow songs at
the beginning of it. So we always joke that when he gets older and hears the
beginning of that cd, he'll feel tired and not know why.

The other one for me is Rhapsodie (from Patience). When they did it as the
encore at the recent Hoboken show, I just stood there and cried. That song
has been part of my life for so long now that it has layers of
significance...and the strongest has to do with walking a colicky baby
around a small apartment....

Peace to all,
Thankful Mom to Malcolm (6) and wife to Will

"Nothin' much here but our broken dreams...
Nothin' is ever quite what it seems. And I'm dyin' inside to leave you with
more than just cliches...
I just don't have much left to say. They've taken their toll, these latter
days."  ~Over the Rhine, Latter Days

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