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NOT written by Rhonda : 
I really don't want to offend you considering all that
has already been said so far, but are you new to the
internet-- or mailing lists?
~Actually, no...I've not ever had any trouble on my
other lists...they're on a different system, however,
and it's made things a bit confusing. 

I think it's best to compare "net etiquette," or
"netiquette" as some like to call it, to the laws that
enable 100's of thousands of us to get up, douse five
cups of coffe down our throats and get on the same
roads and streets together without killing each
See, these laws make it easier for people to
drive--because everyone's doing it (theoretically). 
These net rules also make lists and things like this
easier to maintain and read for most people--there
again, because most people follow these rules.  Do you
still have a copy of the rules to the otr list from
when you signed up?  While most of the rules are
broken without much attention paid to abiding by them
here, there are still a few that we all uphold.  We do
because these are the most essential ones.
I say all that to say this:  Generally you need to
offset the things that you copy and paste back to your
e-mails.  Some people use simple "less than signs" you
know the > thingy a shift above your period on the
keyboard.  NO, not *that* period!  :o)  It just makes
it easier to skim down to what *you* actually wrote
and differentiate it from what one has already read. 
It's frustrating to have to read the same post three
or four times again because you didn't know the
difference.  It also confuses things.  If you  copy
and paste someone else's words without distinguishing,
then it looks like you said those things--not the
original person. You don't have to use the less than
sign.   Most e-mail clients have something set up
already for you to use.  Microsoft outlook doesn't do
a good job in my opinion, but most others like
netscape mail etc will automatically do it for you if
you just set it to.  Sometimes you see those little
blue lines  going vertically down the page to seperate
pasted text--or an italicized font.  I just mean it
doesn't really matter (to most people) what you use to
distinguish it, just as long as you do it.
~I got an email from someone on this list who
suggested that I use something like quote marks, for
example. I have been trying to do that ever since. I
can't seem to get it "right".

Secondly, it's generally considered a netiquette faux
paus when you respond to the entire list with just one
or two sentences.  Most people would rather not have
their inboxes cluttered up with a bunch of "me too"s,
or "I think that's a great idea"s.  If you have to say
those little one or two liners, you really should just
respond to the one person who you're agreeing with. 

~I won't clutter up your inboxes, anymore.
So if you aren't angry with me,

~No, of course not. 
Peace and veggie tales~!

~My daughter LOVES "Jr." and "Tom the Tomato!


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