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Blessed Be (Was Re: My Momma Sami..)

Ok... you're maybe thinking of the Beatitudes, which all begin "Blessed are 
the..." such and such "for they will" such and such? 
I was thinking of bumper stickers.  LOL  "My other car is a 
broomstick!"  always seems to be accompanied by one that
reads "Blessed Be".

So I poked around the web and found the following:

Since I added the link, I won't go into all that's included on that page,
just a quick snip that seemed amusingly...er...relevant:

>>Turn to the East and say,
>>"Air, the element of thought and communication, join with 
>>me! As my mind quests for new ideas, I call upon the 
>>qualities of Air within and about me, to speed my 
>>good intentions." Light the candle; say "Blessed Be!"

To each his own....  :)
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