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Re: Okay...I think I'll try this, again...

--- Black Draver <marquee at knology_net> wrote:
> somehow, I feel that since WWJD is not scripture
> based but more something someone made up to market
> various merchandise, 

Actually, it is based on the question asked by the
pastor, and then his parishioners in Charles Sheldon's
'In His Step'.
Several years ago a youth minister in Michigan studied
this book with her students and created the WWJD
bracelet as a reminder to her students to ask that
question throughout the day.  They caught on locally,
regionally, nationally (at first stores across the
nation had to order them from this local church, until
every company known to man started making them.)
Next thing you know there were bracelets that said
FROG then
GASP then 
BARF ...

More than you wanted to know...


Willy Wonka: "You know what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?"
Charly: "No. What?"
Willy Wonka: "He lived happily ever after."

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