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nostradamus predicts?? - interesting findings

still reeling from the shock....

i received the email that apparently many received...concerning
nostradamus' predictions of these recent attacks. my father is a minister,
and when hearing about the "predictions", wanted to dig a bit deeper.  a
fellow minister checked out www.truthorfiction.com  Here is what they

:   Nostradamus Predicted the Terrorist Attack on New York-Fiction!
:   Summary of eRumor
: An eRumor is circulating that quotes what it says are predictions of the
famous 16th century astrologer Nostradamus that seem to anticipate the
attack on New York by terrorists on September 11.   The prophecy is said to
have referred to the month and year, the location, and a reference that
could be interpreted as referring to the twin towers of the World Trade
Center in New York.
: The Truth
: Nostradamus experts say this not accurate.
: Part of the eRumor seems to be based on a writing of Nostradamus that
like this:
: "At forty-five degrees the sky will burn, fire to approach the great new
city: In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up, when one will
to demand proof of the Normans." (quatrain 6-97)
: There is no reference in the original writing to the place called "york"
and no reference to "the year of the new century and nine months."
: Other parts of the eRumor seem to be based on the following text, "In the
City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn
: apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will
: That quote is not from Nostradamus, however.  It's from Neil Marshall, a
student at Brock University who created the text as part of a critique he
wrote about Nostradamus.
: The bottom line is that the eRumor is not a authentic quote from
: Copyright © 2001 TruthOrFiction.com  Site Notice
: Additional note from Ray Schlabach:
:    I have in my files a newspaper clipping dated October 10, 1995.  It
calls Nostradamus "one of history's most successful prophets." (But I
the reader that many of the prophecies are RATHER VAGUE.)  In the same
article Charles Barnett, "an expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus"
reported these additional Nostradamus predictions for the years remaining
until 2000.
: 1996: Researchers discover a machine that will induce the body to heal
itself of any physical and mental illness.
: 1997: One of every three people report having an encounter with an angel.
: 1998: America, Europe and Russia will pool national and private resources
to house and feed the poor.
: 1999: The Virgin Mary will appear simultaneously to every human in the
: I will let the reader judge for himself whether the above four prophecies
were actually fulfilled. (His book is called "Centuries".)
: Ray Schlabach

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