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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V3 #741

I've missed the last couple of days' digests but have
gathered the gist of the current discussion from
today's.  I didn't see/hear/read the specific comments
made from the 700 Club pulpit, but i think i got the
idea.  more than anything else, it makes me extremely
This is an evil world and as such, America is evil by
definition if only for being in the world.  Death and
destruction always follow sin and Godlessness.  Always
has.  Fallen humanity has given way to a fallen world
full of evil and there are repercussions to that:
random, chaotic, unchecked, multiplying death and
destruction.  It's just the way it works, a property
set into reality long ago, like gravity.  America
certainly is not above that property, nor are we
specially prone to it.  
I don't understand why some of our religious leaders
insist on placing all the blame, all the
"wrath-of-Gawd" on a specific few political
dissenters.  Since when is God a politician?  It
frustrates me beyond words.  And perhaps this
mentality is more prevalent here in the Bible Belt. 
There are times at work i just want to scream "GOD IS

Here's something for Pat and Jerry to think about: 
why would God use a group of extremist Muslims to
teach America a lesson about being more Christian? 
Are they really prepared to say that these
brain-washed zombies were doing the will of God? 
isn't that what they've basically said?


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