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Re: Falwell and Robertson blame gays and liberals for WTC Attack

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Kelvin Bailey wrote:

> That's a good question.  All through the Old Testament God blessed or
> cursed nations.  The history of Israel is full of their being blessed
> and cursed/destroyed as a nation.  I think the question you raised is,
> given the fact that those occurances were in the Old Testament and
> under the Law, does God still act this way under grace?  Hmmm...never
> thought about it...
> Kelvin

i guess, considering what i learn about grace, and what i learn about law,
i'd say 'no'.

because paul is so specific about not forcing new gentile christians to
adopt mosaic law. he does so by shaming the leaders and saying how dared
they try to force on these men the very laws their own fathers failed to
live up to. and he goes on later to say there are no jews,gentiles
greek,slave or free.

which sounds an awful lot like the end of preferential/damning judgement
upon nations.

however, a friend of mine who deos relief work in india - told me that he
had heard the people wondering if the reason they have been so badly hit
by typhoons and the like has anything to do with the killing of the
missionary (and his sons?) in a jeep. and that he'd read it in a hindi
paper. wish i had the quote or ability to translate, as i knwo this sounds
like hearsay.

i know we don't like to think of the vengeful God - the one who hates sin
and judges swiftly.

so. i don't know.


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